Monday, January 29, 2007

just a little quick update

Sorry for the lack of blog posts recently my dears. Due to circumstances and many factors such as the lack of free time in my room and how I've not gotten any pictures from my friends' cameras, I've been missing-in-action. Internet connection isnt very good still, so pictures and all will come tomorrow ok?

I stayed in the whole time today, was down with slight cramps this morning so had to give church a miss. So, I slept till 12. It was really cold, even under my blanket, so it's like, when I manage to fall into deep sleep, I don't ever feel getting out of bed. It was good being able to laze about, settle my internship applications online-something I dread cos it's just so troublesome and time consuming and I'm really slow at things like writing my resume :s , do my laundry, and skype with my parents :) I miss lazy days like this. The past 3 weeks have been filled with late nights- socializing with new friends in the cold downstairs, online writing blog posts etc. haha. Those of you who know me, will know that I really cant function well without lots of sleep, so really, I'm so glad I got today off in a sense.

I was chatting with michelle, my dear cousin, and I realised I really miss sunday nights at my grandmas place, fellowship with my cousins and relatives, my popo's cooking. I'll definitely cherish my chinese new year with them :)

There are many things I want to thank God for, He just has been so good to me. More in my next post yeah.