Saturday, March 3, 2007

little bits of my first week back here...

Feb 25 - 28.

Feb 27...

What an international bunch - 2 Singaporeans, 3 Swedish, 1 Hongkonger, 1/2 an Indonesian (haha)

Loved having you here dora!

Us being spastic. hahaha! I won and Dora lost.

The hardcore gambler look.

With the horse at the Happy Valley Jockey Club. I was the tour guide that night.
My dearest Ame brought back pandan cake and pineapple tarts all the way for our local buddies...
It was so enjoyable watching them marvel at the bright green pandan cake, haha, i guess this is part of cultural exchange huh.

Ame with her homemade cookies, and yummy pandan cake! haha, we really didnt know pandan cake was something special and found in Singapore only!

The little party at level 6 common room.
Meeting Kin, Yeohan ( = Johann *Thanks to dearest Ame for the kind correction haha!* ) and Jenny from Sweden...

When we first got back and decided we needed to do some serious spring cleaning :S

I didnt know why the vacuum cleaner stick broke.

Just an idea of the amount of dust and hair accumulated in our room over one month.

It was a great feeling sucking up the dirt and dust really!:)

Ame with her 30 kg luggage.

We struggled up the slopes by ourselves, dragging and carrying along a grand total of 60kg worth of luggage!!! haha, girl power really!

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